Help legalise Gel Blasters for all Australians!
How do we get Gel Blasters legalised Australia Wide?
With six state and two territory laws involved, its a complicated question even for legal experts which we are most definitely not. However, using no expertise except for some common sense it's pretty clear what actions are counterproductive.
As a community, we can help pave the road to Australia wide legalisation by being responsible gel blaster owners because idiots waving gel blasters in shopping centres and intimidating people in blaster "drive by's" are certainly not helping the legalisation case.
Neither do daily comparisons with Airsoft across gel blaster forums and social media in futile attempt to legalise Airsoft. Not a legal expert, and don't claim to be but, let us face it, people, Airsoft has slim, to no chance, of being legalised in Australia and drawing false comparisons certainly isn't helping gel blasters case either.
Use common sense, every time you compare gel blasters to airsoft you are comparing what is now classed as a toy to an item that is 1. classed as a firearm and 2. is outright banned Australia wide so those who are against gel blasters because they know nothing about them will eventually use your own words against you when they move to have them banned.
Will gel blasters ever be legalised in all Australian states? Who knows, most likely not. But, let us try and not have them banned where they are currently legal.
Will Airsoft ever be legalised in Australia again? Maybe... But the fight for Airsoft legalisation must be separated from gel blasters or, we'll likely lose both.
Photo source: ABC News